Thursday, January 22, 2015

Handeling A Rabbit: There is More Than One Way To Do It!

The Best Pamphlet on How to Do It Is Here

Rabbits of different ages and temperaments are handled in different ways.
A small rabbit is held by the loin, where as an older rabbit is held by grasping a fold of skin over the shoulder and placing your
other hand under the rump.
When you carry a rabbit,it is best to support with one arm and keep him close to your body. Keep you rabbit's toenails clipped so you can reduce the chances of being scratching. Be gentle when picking up your rabbit, and take your time to make sure you have a good grip.

Also remember that different Rabbits have different personalities. Each one should be handled differently.

"On the Arm"- Almost like a foot ball is for your more secure Rabbit
"Head in the Crook of the Elbow"- Is for the more shy rabbit
"By The Scruff of Neck Support the Neck"- This one points the legs away from handler and is for the aggressive nervous rabbit
" Present Stomach" is used to present the belly for inspection,grooming,and medical treatment. I is where you hold fore- paws,and allow gravity to pull legs downward,and support the hind with other hand.

So this is what I learned about Handling. Having no rabbits yet I got my  stuffed rabbit and practiced.

Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Beggining to Set Goals in Your Rabbit Project

Today We did Goals:

MAP (Member Achievement Plan) Sets Out  9 Steps to Achievement They go into great detail but I am gonna write out  a few words for each Step that can sum it all up:

Steps to Success

  1. Identify 2 Steps To Reach Your Goals 
  2. List 3 Steps To Get There
  3. Set a Deadline
  4. Reward Yourself
  5. Keep Records
  6. Repeat steps 2-5 For Second Goal
  7. Share with a friend to keep you accountable
  8. Journal your journey
  9. Reflect on your Journey at the end of the year!
That my friend is the reason and purpose of this blog for me.

MAP Step One: Identify 2 Steps To Reach Your Goals

  1. Finish All 4-H Levels This Year 
  2. Create a Rabbit Warren This Year
  3. Buy Rabbits For Warren This Year (Oh well I made them three)

MAP Step Two and Three: For  Goals  List 3 Steps To Get There  And Set a Deadline.

 Goal One: Finish All 4-H Levels This Year

  1. Do At Least One Lesson A Week
  2. Do All The Projects in Lessons
  3. Present  Talk To Husband At The End of Every Level
  4.  Wait At Least 3 days For Adsorption Of Material Before Progressing To Next Level.

Step One: Do At Least One Lesson A Week

Level One Deadline: January 23,2015
Level Two: February 27 ,2015
Level Three: April 18, 2015
Level Four: December 21,2015


Step Two:  Do All The  Projects in Lessons

Deadline: By Friday After The Lesson


Step Three: Present Talk To Husband At The End Of Every Level

Level One Deadline: January 23,2015
Level Two Deadline : February 27, 2015
Level Three Deadline: April 17, 2015
Level Four Deadline: December 21, 2015


Step Four:  Wait At Least 3 days For Adsorption Of Material Before Progressing To Next Level.

Level One: 1/24-1/25
Level Two:2/20 -3/2

Level Three: 4/18 - 5/18
 Level Four:1/1/16 -4/1/16 


Goal Two:Create a Rabbit Warren This Year

  1.  Learn About Feeding, Watering, Equipment  3/10/15
  2. Choose the right Feeding,Watering,and Equipment That Best Suits You. Make at Least 1 Cage and Carrying Case. 3/15/15
  3. Create Your Rabbit Warren 4/5/15

Goal Three: Buy Rabbits For Warren This Year.

  1.  Select Breed Of Choice 1/31/15
  2. Locate a Breeder 3/22/15
  3. Purchase Does and Bucks 4/30/15

MAP Step Four :Reward Yourself

Goal One: Finish All 4-H Levels This Year

  1.  Do At Least One Lesson A Week- Keep a Sticker Chart
  2.  Do All The Projects in Lessons- Make A Project Scrap Book
  3.  Present  Talk To Husband At The End of Every Level- Make a video of Presentation,Gather Stuff Post On Blog.
  4.   Wait At Least 3 days For Adsorption Of Material Before Progressing To Next Level.- Rest/Review, Have a nice Dinner

Goal Two:Create a Rabbit Warren This Year

  1.  Learn About Feeding, Watering, Equipment-  Presentation on Equipment to Husband/ Feature them on Blog
  2. Choose the right Feeding,Watering,and Equipment That Best Suits You. Make at Least 1 Cage and Carrying Case- Make Plans To Purchase These Things
  3. Create Your Rabbit Warren- Make Plans To Purchase Does And Bucks

Goal Three: Buy Rabbits For Warren This Year.

  1.  Select Breed Of Choice- Display Breed Picture and Feature on Blog and announce on Facebook
  2. Locate a Breeder- A Visit To Breeder's Warren, Announce The Breeder And Make An Article On Them On Blog and On Facebook
  3. Purchase Does and Bucks- Post Pictures on Facebook and Feature Article Here.... Snuggle with a Baby Bunny 

MAP Step Five: Record It All

This Blog is Me Full Filling This step! I am also making a Scrap Book of This Journey.

MAP Step Six: Repeat steps 2-5 For Second and Third Goal

Already Done Above

MAP Step Seven: Share To Keep Yourself Accountable

You Dear Reader and my Husband are my accountability people I share to keep myself accountable 

MAP Step Eight: Journal your journey

Again this blog is My Journal !

MAP Step Nine: Reflect on your Journey at the end of the year!

 So Hopefully January 1.2016 I will be sitting here and remembering what I have chosen to work on this year, and pouring through posts and remembering where the Marsh  Family Triskelion Lapin Warren came from! Good Night!

Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Indentifying the Breeds of Rabbit

 Ok Now we are Talking fun!
 The project says to find 10 Breeds , with 10 pictures and 10 short descriptions. Easy right? Easy until you realize that there are approx. 180 breeds and varieties. From of them you must chose 10.Luckily I had read Storey's Book on raising rabbits and had some pointer's in a direction. Since I already knew what I was looking to use them for I headed off in that direction.

I wanted a smallish rabbit It is an urban farm after all and I needed to be careful about space. I also wanted good fur. I love the feel of rabbit fur. In fact the longish hair was important. I also wanted them to be pretty, because I wanted to show my guys. I  also wanted them to be  cute and good tempered in case I wanted to sell or give one away as a pet.

With my List...This is my downlable list if you want!
I sat down And Looked for just 10 and came up with 11. Here They are:

 I Love this one's Versatility!

But This is the best Meat Rabbit!

  I love how challenging this one would be to create a show quality Animal.

I Love how small This one is... it would fill the need for small. Some call this one a cony-burger with ears, face and feet.

Wool That says everything to me!

I have always love the fur of the Satins.

 This one isn't Versatile enough!

 I love this one's Shape but it's rather big.

 He's Cute But honestly to Small... he would be 1 meal.

 Ok Honestly I Think This one is Cute..... But Not very Practical for my needs!

Now this one is Darling but not much use for anything but a pet!

With all This being true I have only been able to Narrow My breeds down to the First 5.... ( Lord Help)

  1. Silver Fox
  2. New Zealand
  3. California
  4. Florida White
  5. Giant Angora Ruby Eyed-White

 I gave all my reasons above. So I have more time, but these are my Finalist.

Monday, January 19, 2015

The Parts of a Rabbit

OK So one of the first things they have us do is to label the parts of a rabbit. Sounds easy right? But then again maybe not.Ok So we get This picture!
Some of them I knew True but some I had no idea.! So next I gave a Bunny Label it without Looking at the answer. OK I got close but missed some Here is a picture of completed work!

So Now I know about All my Parts. Now how about Breeds. Fun for Tomorrow!