The Marvel of 4-H Even For An Adult!

I decided that I wanted to raise rabbits one day by looking around at my urban Farm and wondered what I could add that would round out our table using the least amount of space. Remembering my childhood and the Cony meat that sometimes graced out table when a good hunter manged to get a coney or two, I considered the idea of raising my own rabbit meat.

Pulling my chair up to the PC, I began by looking up recipes for Cony. Then my husband brought home a book called Storey's Guide to Raising Rabbits. This book opened my mind to the plethora of uses you could put to a rabbit. There was Meat, and pelts, and textile, and show, laboratory and pet uses. It was here I came across the word Breeder. Hmm... I thought... Interesting... Taking on the challenge  to make the "Perfect Rabbit" for a given breed.  It sounded interesting,challanging and fun. I instantly thought of shows. The people I would meet, The judging, and finally I pictured a blue rabbit on my Rabbit!

Suddenly my bubble burst...It was then it occurred to me that I had never even held a rabbit! Now what? Let the idea drop into some trash bin in my Mind??? Hardly! If You know me well enough you will find that when I have an idea in my mind I rarely let it go for some silly notion that it can not be done... or it might be too difficult.

I started looking for some very basic information on raising rabbits and was finding it difficult to get the  level of simplicity and depth of information I required. That is until I stumbled on some documents and stuff from4-H Club about raising Rabbits. I happened on an online Leadership ,Notebook; and the rest is history (as they say).

I found all four levels and committed No matter how simple or difficult I would do each one and learned all I needed to know. So for people who want to know about a given animal but know nothing and do not have children... I can not speak anymore highly about the marvel of the 4-H Club.... Even for Adults, Just swollow your pride and Do It!

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